InscriptionsRegister for an instrument class Classes are open to children and adults, beginners and advanced alike. Registration is open all year round, subject to availability. You can also take a trial class before making your decision. For more information, please contact us . Instrument registration Course registration for: —Please choose an option—Introduction to piano (ages 4 to 7)PianoFluteGuitarViolinCello Your instrument level:—Please choose an option—BeginnerIntermediateAdvancedSuperior / professional Length and frequency of lessons:—Please choose an option—Weekly lessons of 30 minutesWeekly lessons of 45 minutesWeekly lessons of 60 minutesCard of 10 lessons of 45 minutesCard of 10 lessons of 60 minutesCard of 5 lessons of 45 minutes (piano)Card of 5 lessons of 60 minutes (piano) Trial lesson:I would like a 30-minute trial lesson (price: 50.-)I would like a 45-minute trial lesson (price: 70.-) What's your availability? Questions or comments (optional) How did you hear about the Centre Musical de Cornavin? —Please choose an option—Search engineA recommendation From one of our students (or a parent)Outdoor neon signAdvertising (poster, flyer, brochure, etc.)Other Could you be more specific (optional) ? Student contact details —Please choose an option—MrsMissMrChild Age (for minors) —Please choose an option—4567891011121314151617 Details of legal representative (if applicable) Civility—Please choose an option—Mr.Mrs. Please enter the code above