InscriptionsGroup lessons for childrenGroup classes are open to children aged 4 and over. Classes are held weekly. Each class lasts a full 60 minutes. A trial class is available at a cost of 30 euros. If you would like more information, please contact us . Registration Course registration for: —Please choose an option—Musical initiation (from age 4)Musical exploration (from age 5) I would like to do a trial lesson (price: 30.-) AVAILABILITY Preferred schedule: —Please choose an option—Wednesday morningsWednesday afternoonsSaturday mornings Other options:Wednesday morningsWednesday afternoonsSaturday morningsNo other options Questions or comments (optional) How did you hear about the Centre Musical de Cornavin? —Please choose an option—Search engineA recommendation from one of our students (or a parent)Publicity (poster, flyer, brochure, etc.)Other Please specify (optional) Child's contact details Genre: —Please choose an option—MaleFemale Age —Please choose an option—45678 Contact details of legal representative Civil status —Please choose an option—Mrs.Mr. Please enter the code above